06 May 2024
We have a new Bengal kittens!
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30 October-01 November 2015 Nederland

Safari-show 2015

At the Safari cats show 2015 – this is a great show Bengal cats. This show gathers the strongest of the breed, and every self-respecting nursery should at least once visit this exhibition. Our nursery is the second time presented their animals at such an event. Going about 100 Bengals. In 2015 the exhibition was held in Holland!

My cats were shown the best representatives of the cattery from Italy – Brownsugar - Chiara Lombardi, from Holland and France kennels Batofoleus and Moulinrouge, a well-known international judge Irene van Belzen chose Siam and Stephen Corneille, nursery Bennvoyagee – Ivonne van Dreumel and many other well-known catteries. Only in the adult class was represented by 36 cats, 25 of them in a classic colour (brown black spotted tabby) kitten and 34 aged 4 to 8 months. In the eyes of the "rippled"! How to cope experts – I can't imagine that they had a huge job! Except the Bengals of course were present at the show and other breed – only about 100 adult cats. And don't forget that the final is a top 10 animal.

From our cattery we brought IW SGC AMAZONGOLD Cameron (age 1 year 8 mo.) AMAZONGOLD and Gad (age 5 months). Also the owners are from Holland of our kitties from Cameron and Delilah showed off her beautiful Julianna Amazongold from Galensis.

Our results:

IW SGC AMAZONGOLD Cameron once again showed that at this age he can give odds to young animals is the second best Bengal of the exhibition on the final results: 6, 1, 3, 3, 7 places in the finals and 5, 2 and 1 places in the finals at the Congress of Bengal, becoming the best BENGAL cat – boy among all BENGALS

AMAZONGOLD GERE was shown in the kitten class in strong competition to become the second best Bengal kitten of the show on the final results: 5, 4, 5th places in the finals and at the Congress of Bengal – 8, 4, 8 places in the finals among 34 kittens.


Amazongold of Galensis Julianna is not afraid to go out on their first show when she was barely 8 months along and seem to be among the "giants" of exhibitions, including the side of his father and failed to live up to my hopes and the hopes of its owner closed the title champion TICA. So wish her further victories and good luck at the shows.

Photo from Safari cats show-2015

Photoreport on Facebook

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